Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our First Gingerbread House

Ok, I have a confession.  I've never actually made a gingerbread house before.  I know!  Right!?!?  Seems like everyone does on the holidays, but I've never.  And then I was asked to help out in Alli's class because one of the parents donated some gingerbread trains and they needed adult helpers for the building.  Oh boy.  So, I had my first shot of building this stuff at the school.  Not bad - got some tips of how to do it with little kids, had some good ideas, figured out some ways to keep it cleaner...

But Alli didn't get a turn to build one because she went to the other preschool in the afternoon.  So we decided to get her a gingerbread house for home and we would build it together.  (Of course, after we purchased it, we found that she really *was* going to get a turn with the gingerbread train, just later in the week.)

So we planned to build today!  And, we had an unexpected friend over, so we had 2 helpers with the gingerbread house.

Here's Gage and Alli showing off their work:

And a better view of the finished house.  (Gage decorated the left side and back.  Alli decorated the right side and front.  Mommy built the house and added the "snow".)

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