Friday, December 21, 2012

The Clapper

I can't believe all us girls are sick, again!  (And I'm not sure how Daddy keeps bypassing it!)  Alli was sent home from school on Monday with a 102 degree fever.  It stayed at 102/103 until Tuesday night, when it broke around 10pm with lots of sweats and chills.  (Poor thing.)  I just got the nasal/chest congestion part - no fever.  Alli has all of the above.  So, her last week of school before Christmas vacation was spent at home sick.  Poor thing.

And now Natalie is congested.  I made a new rule that with every diaper change, we have to suction her nose as well.  And I check for fever regularly.  I'm hoping it goes through her system quickly - I hate sick babies - too scary!  But she still smiles like crazy, including when she is getting her nose suctioned!  Hilarious!!

So, about The Clapper...  Last weekend we went to a Christmas party with a White Elephant gift exchange.  I came home with "The Clapper".  You remember from the 80's commercials:  "Clap on. {clap clap}  Clap off. {clap clap}  Clap on, clap off....  The Clapper!"  So, I figured out a great place for this little device - attached to a lamp in Alli's room that she can't reach.  So I plugged it in, tried it out, and then showed it to her.  She was thrilled!

Ok.  Now fast forward to last night, and her coughing fit.  Can you see where this is going?  I went to check on her after she had been in bed for a little, since she had been coughing so much and she said "Mom.  I coughed 2 times and my light came on, so I had to clap it off!"  hahaha  I thought that was pretty funny.  And it was.  Until after she fell asleep and she was coughing in her sleep and her lamp kept turning on!  Ok, that's pretty funny too.  Kim turned the lamp off so it would keep turning on through the night.

Oh the joys of sick kids!

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