Thursday, September 25, 2008

Notable Notes

Last weekend my mom came to visit. She and I spent some time working on Alli's room. We hung some wall-hangings that match the crib bumper, and also painted and hung a shelf with wooden letters "A L L I". It's soooo cute. Alli had fun with Grandma, and Kim and I got a little break for a few hours one afternoon, but were only able to use it to take care of some errands.

Last night we had the Rosing clan and Ann's nephew Chuck over for dinner. Katie is 4 months older than Alli and Alli just smiled like crazy at her. It was very cute. We are hoping they become good friends as the Rosings are planning on moving to Fountain Hills sometime, and Katie and Alli will be in the same grade going to school.

Alli is definitely talking a lot with lots of different sounds. I think one of our favorite things right now is diaper changing time. She's at just the right level for a great conversation, so she and I spend lots of time talking, singing, and laughing at the changing table. Her favorite song is "A B C's". Who would have ever thought that song would actually make someone giggle. But it does.

This morning was another funny Alli episode. She decided she wasn't very hungry, but was very interested in the ceiling fan. (It was turned on.) So she looked at it and laughed, then latched on and took a little milk, then turned and looked at the fan. Still there. Laughed at it and then turned back to me to get more milk. I think she did this about 6 times until she just couldn't help herself and just had to stare at the fan. What a cutie! It made me smile to watch her be so interested in the spinning fan.

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