Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alli's Four Month Doctor Visit (continued)

Since people are so quick to read the updates, I decided to make a new entry for the stats from this visit.

Eyes: Still blue. They said they should have turned by now if they were going to change color, but my mom also said that mine changed late. For now, blue eyes.

Weight: 12.6 lbs - 35th percentile (she's catching up!)
Height: 23.5 inches - 30th percentile (here too!)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches - 15th percentile. (I guess she has a small head?)

Dr. Patel said developmentally she looks great - holding her head up by herself, tracking with the eyes, smiling at people who are talking to her, cooing, etc. Dr. Patel also said we could try a little rice cereal when we were ready. I'm planning on holding out just a little longer. I've read that families with food allergies are better to hold off on solids until after 6 months. Dr. Patel said that we could start rice cereal to get Alli used to swallowing instead of always sucking, but hold off on the other solids for a while. She said Alli obviously doesn't need any extra nutrition since the breast milk seems to be doing quite well. We'll think about it. Maybe next month we'll try a little rice cereal.

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