Sunday, September 28, 2008

Growing, Growing, Growing

We just went up another diaper size. Little baby girl is now in a size 2 diaper, although we are going to use up our last remaining size 1's. I can't believe how big she is. Another grouping of onesies that will be outgrown in a couple of weeks as well.

Her personality is just precious! She just giggles like crazy when you talk to her, especially mommy, who seems to speak "Alli". I can pretty much imitate any sound she makes, and that makes her giggle.

She also likes watching mommy and daddy do chores around the house. I had her in her room on the floor while I was folding her laundry today. I told her about all the different things I was pulling out of the laundry basket, and she thought that was just awesome!

I also found that she loves watching the trees blow in the wind. She watches intently for long periods of time (when we find trees to watch). Today it was a tree outside the window where I was feeding her. That wound up being more fun than eating, so eating took a back burner.

Krista loaned us a mirror to put in the car so we can see Alli's face while in the driver's seat. I've learned that you really need to looking only when stopped at a light. But now car trips contain much more cooing as Alli looks at the baby in the mirror and talks away. It's quite fun!!

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