Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Day at the Mall

Yesterday we went to the mall to get some clothes for Daddy. This was Alli's first real mall trip. We left a little later than expected, so our first stop wound up being at Sauce for some food for mom and dad. Next stop though was Nordstrom's Women's Lounge for food for Alli! After all of that, I figured Alli would be pretty content, and she was. She was really interested in all the different sights and sounds that the mall offered. As we continued shopping, she got more and more tired. But did she sleep? No way. Too many things to look at, even when we were stopped in one place for a while.

I feel like a broken record when I say she did awesome, but yet again, our pliable little daughter was pretty easy with the mall. When we got to the car, we loaded her into her carseat. She was asleep before I could finish buckling it!! Way to go Alli - don't miss a darn thing no matter how tired!

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