Friday, May 30, 2008

Gettin' Big!

Today was Alli's weigh in visit, you know, to make sure her life outside the womb is treating her well. Apparently it is. Alli now weighs 6 lbs 3 oz, a whole 1/2 lb more than her lowest weight after birth!

I am very happy that all the frustrations I have felt with the breastfeeding and pumping were more in my head than anything and apparently what I have been doing is working well for our little girl. Someone did tell me though that whatever I decided to do with the feeding was the correct thing to do. She was very wise. :)


Grammy Jane said...

The Beatles wrote a good song called "All you need is Love". I'm sure Ali gets plenty of that and more.

A. Jolly said...

Motherhood, especially these early weeks, you are being tested emotionally, mentally, and physically. Not to say it will end, but the dynamics of the tests will change. Here try my fun of for size...every 3-4 hours I nursed 15min each side, then topped off with a bottle as I had doctor/lactation consultant/myself-confirmed low supply, and then pumped for another 15...we're talking like an hour each sit down. There...feel a bit better now. You are doing awesome! She is growing physically and you are as a mother. Lots of Love!