Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today's 38 week checkup went well. I've gained no more weight, but neither has the baby. We're still looking at around 6-1/2 lbs, so the doctor isn't worried about the baby getting too big for me. Nothing really has changed much since last week - I'm 90% thinned (if you can measure that closely) and I get contractions daily, but nothing strong enough to birth a child.

We talked about inducing, but I feel letting the body do its thing naturally is probably better. He agreed, but said I could always change my mind and they wouldn't think anything of it. He also said that if we did decide to induce, typically labor is longer and a little harder. Right now, there are no medical reasons to induce. The baby is fine, I am fine... It's just a matter of patience...


Grammy Jane said...

Jenny, you look wonderful! I'm hoping you wont have to wait to long for the little Peanut to show up. Love, Jane

A. Jolly said...

He really said induction labor is longer and stronger? I was induced for both due to size concerns...Alec was over 10lbs. I agree the contractions and everything do intensify quite quickly thanks to the pitocin, but I birthed Ally in just under 12 from start to finish and Alec in 9 hours...and hard labor (aka pushing) was super short in both cases. Maybe just my situation, but definitely not what my OB told me. But hopefully you won't have to make the decision anyhow.