Friday, May 9, 2008

The Gender Dilemna

Kim thought it would be fun to note all the different guesses as to the gender of our baby and why. This has been something quite fun for us, so we thought we would share.

1. I think it's a boy because it's all in front. With girls, they wrap around and you fill out sideways.
2. I think it's a boy because you are carrying low.
3. I think it's a boy because you are carrying high. (Yes, apparently I am carrying both high and low, but everyone thinks it's a boy.)
4. I think it's a girl because you don't know when in your cycle you conceived, so it's most likely a girl.
5. I think it's a boy because you didn't get "all the pretty" sucked out of you during pregnancy.
6. I think it's a boy because you haven't gotten super-hormonal.
7. I "feel" boy for you.
8. Jori is having a girl, so you must be having a boy, because really, how many girls can we all have!?!?! (Same person as #7)
9. What? You're getting poked in the ribs but the butt is there? Then it must be a boy, and he's well endowed!!! (Same person as #7 & #8, and Kim is quite pleased about that idea!!)
10. You are having a girl. (Emily, age 4)
11. I think you are having a girl, but I'm always wrong so you must really be having a boy.
12. From the Chinese Gender Calendar: Girl

1 comment:

Grammy Jane said...

We all checked out the Chinese calendar when I worked at the pharmacy and it's pretty right on! We really won't know 'til it happens---can't wait and wish I could be there with you. Love, Jane Kims Mom