Thursday, May 1, 2008

37 Week Checkup

Yesterday was our weekly checkup. We're at 37 weeks and counting. Everything is fine. There isn't much room left for the baby, but I suppose that's pretty normal for this phase of the game. The doctor said that I'm 80% thinned, but still no dilation. I had been having contractions since the day before (probably a bit stress-induced) and I had one while the doctor was examining me. His comment was "Wow, that's a pretty long one. How far apart are these occurring?" Of course, I have no idea because I know they aren't strong enough to do anything, so I haven't timed them. He agreed that these were just practice/false labor and I would definitely know when the real ones hit. But he thought my level of pain tolerance was fairly high based on my smile and conversation through the contraction, so he reassured me that I would be fine through labor.

He doesn't try to take a guess as to when the baby is coming. He just says it's all up to my brain and the baby to coordinate, and then it would happen. And also that we were still quite a ways from the estimated due date, so it's a little early to start fretting over the fact that it isn't happening. :)

The ultrasound also showed the baby is at approximately 6-1/2 lbs. But this week again, I didn't gain any weight. Looks like the baby is starting to suck my life away now! :) Just kidding!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny and Kim, At least you didn't need any "stamps" to have this baby. Look at all the extra forms to fill out as something to do while waiting for baby. We love Good Sam. They are a great baby hospital. It looks like an alien spaceship to add to the fun.

Since you and the baby are practicing contracting, it could be anytime. Please have Kim (or you if you are able) give us a call so we can come to visit in the hospital after peanut is born.