Monday, June 2, 2008

The Let Down

So, of all the nursing information I've read, they all talk about the milk "let down". In the beginning, I was positive I had no idea when this occurred. The information always said that mothers know when it happens, and I thought maybe I was a little defective. Well, I know now when it happens. Unfortunately, what I'm finding is IT HURTS!!! OMG - burning sensation. WTF??? And my body seems to know better than Alli when 3 hours is up, cause now I get "let down" about every 3 hours and so I wake up from a sound sleep, or pace around the house waiting and waiting for her to wake up to help her poor mother out. Sometimes I wonder how in the world we really evolved as a race with these kind of reproductive pains.

But in general, everything is going well. Alli and I are both a little under the weather, so it's not helping. She's sleeping well when we can get her to fall asleep. She really wants to be held, probably because she doesn't feel well. If she feels like me, her head is all stuffed up, but can breath just fine. So I'm dying for a long sleep thinking that will make me feel better, but it's just not going to happen. Even if someone gave her a bottle to let me sleep, I wake up with the darn "let down"!!!!

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