Saturday, June 21, 2008

An Adventurous Day

Yesterday was full of adventure for Alli and I. It started with a trip down to Tempe to meet friends for breakfast. Now I know this doesn't sound very adventurous but we were gone for a while... So or first adventure was the diaper change in the restroom. Not too adventurous - was the first time using one of those baby changing shelves, and I must say, it was...weird. Probably because this one was positioned for a 7 foot tall woman. Seriously! It only folded down to my shoulders so I was basically looking Alli eye to eye!! We also had to feed Alli, so this was our first attempt at feeding in public. I must say, I think we did pretty well! I had purchased a nursing cover thing from Target and we nursed while cloaked under our black wrap. Success!

Our next adventure was actually the drive home. While I really thought we had taken care of everything, Alli decided half way home that she was still hungry. This time, we were not near Joe's, so I had to improvise. I found a parking lot that was not busy, parked the car, climbed in the back seat and Alli nursed again. Not an adventure? Let me mention tht it was 111 degrees outside at the time. Yes, I left the car running and the air blasting. :)

When Kim got home from work, we completed our adventurous day by going to our pool and swimming Baggy a little and dipping Alli in the water a bit. We only dipped her feet for this first time, but we'll get more of her in as she gets older.

So quite a day for us!! And to think I used to think adventure was backpacking in Havasupai, or trecking to Rocky Point to do a triathlon, or... :)

1 comment:

Grammy Jane said...

Oh yes, child rearing is an adventure but I won't mention anything here so as not to embarass Kim. You're doing great Jenny> Love, Mom