Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An Adventure in Breastfeeding

Today Alli and I met Daddy, Jef (co-worker), Krista (Jef's wife and soon to be caretaker of Alli), and Tyler (Jef & Krista's son) down in Old Town Scottsdale for lunch at El Molino (my favorite lunch-time Mexican place). We had a great lunch with everyone and it was so nice to eat El Molino food again.

I should have been able to make it home before her next feeding time, but Alli woke up early and was crying bloody murder. I pulled over to give her the pacifier, but that didn't do it. I continued driving, but I decided quickly that I just couldn't drive the 20+ minutes home with her that miserable. So I was trying to figure out where to go to feed her. Then I remembered back in the day, when partying in Scottsdale and not being able to drive home, I would go to Joe Searle's house. So I drove to Joe's, hoping he still kept the spare key hidden in the same spot.

We are older now, and I wasn't sure if edicate had changed when entering someone's house when they are not home. Should I call them at work? Should I just leave them a note?? Maybe I'll just borrow the back yard and sit in the shade. I decided I would try that first, but quickly dismissed that when I realized it was about 100 degrees in the shade. I was going to have to go inside. I was staring in the house when I saw someone inside walking toward the patio door. What the ????? OH YEA! I forgot - their nephew Chuck (aka the manny) watches Ryan and Katie at their house!!! Chuck remembered me from his visit over spring break and graciously let me in. We chatted a little, then I went into the office to nurse.

For the first time, Alli and I were there to fend together - no glider, no boppy, no watch or time-piece, no journal to record the timings. Just us. We sat on the floor and did everything naturally. I have to say, it was the most amazing, exhilarating, precious experience I had had with her. It was so refreshing to really experience being able to feed my daughter anywhere, anytime - totally unprepared and unplanned, and I could take care of her. I loved it.

After nursing, Alli went to sleep so I stayed and chatted with Chuck and played a little with Katie and Ryan. We took a picture of the 3 kids together. Katie is 4 months, Ryan is 3 months, and and Alli is almost 1 month.

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