Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin', Get Them Doggies Rollin'

I know this seems weird, and I didn't believe my mom when she told me, but Alli rolled over today. Yes, a little early I would say, seeing that she's just 3+ weeks. Now mind you, it was on the sofa cushion and she had a little gravity helping her as the sofa cushion is a little slanted, but she did it. Like 2 or 3 times every time we put her back up. We put her down, watched her tuck her arm and squirm her legs over, and there she went. So, I guess we'll be always surrounding her with pillows if we set her down someplace and walk away (we were anyway, but this just solidifies that we need to).

And just to note, she did it again, only rolling the other direction. We just had to give her the correct "gravity" advantage. :)

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