Sunday, June 29, 2008


You can tell Alli is changing by leaps and bounds, this is my 2nd post today!

Alli really enjoys looking out the window. Sometimes if I have to set her down, I make sure she's facing out the back sliders so that she can be mesmorized by the outside. The other morning after an early morning feeding, we were in here room changing her diaper. I took her to the shutters to open them and she just wanted to stare out the window. We checked it out for a while, but then I was sorta tired of holding her up so I turned to walk away. She turned her head to follow the sights out the window. I decided if she liked them that much that I shouldn't really be pulling her away from them. We wound up spending quite a bit of time in her room as there are lots of cool things on the walls for her to look at. Another thing that caught her eye that morning was the mobile above her crib. So I put her in the crib, wound the mobile, and let her watch it. As she watched the animals go around, she smiled at them. That mobile kept her entertained for a good bit of time. From there she turned her attention to the animals that are on the bumper pads. She smiled again at the animals. Awww!

Today, I thought I would try the animal thing again. I actually have two activity floor pieces, one with different items and one with different stuffed animals. I pulled out the animal one, and she LOVED IT! She was sooo happy trying to swat at the animals. I was amazed at what a difference it was between the two activities mats. Who knew!!! I then tried more. When I went to take my shower, I put her in her bouncy seat. Now, the bouncy seat comes with a play bar that has stuffed animals on it. I never attached it - it's much easier to get her in and out. Today I took it out of the closet and set it in the holes. She was thrilled with the animals (again) and started swinging at them. Her eyes were totally glued. I *loved* it.

It's really exciting to see her liking something so much. And if she's going to have a fixation, I'm happy that it's animals. I just don't know how to break it to her that we won't be able to get her a real giraffe or elephant for a pet. ;)

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