Friday, June 13, 2008

One Month Old Today

Today is Alli's one month birthday, and was also her one-month doctor's appointment. So, current stats on the little rascal:

Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz (Holy cow - a whole pound since last visit 2 weeks ago!)
Length: 20 inches (2 whole inches longer than when she was born!)

Other notes:

Alli is getting much better at supporting her own head. Pretty strong little girl! She doesn't do as well when she's tired, but she's doing great when she's wide awake.

I see hints of purposeful smiles, which is really cool. I'm looking forward to her looking at us and smiling because she's happy.

Kim and I are definitely getting to know her better. We also know that she's a gassy little girl (probably cause mommy still eats lots of gas-producing food). She's tough though, and typically doesn't cry about it. But mix the gas with being tired and LOOK OUT! Fussy!!!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Happy one-month birthday, Alli! (A little late but I was out of town... :)