Monday, October 1, 2012

Every Pregnancy is Different

I know you always hear that every pregnancy is different, but until you experience just how different, you just don't want to believe it...

My pregnancy with Alli was easy - textbook as a matter of fact.  From looking back at the blog and from what I remember, I was running 1-2 miles until 6 months, started swimming at 32 weeks, assumed my due date was probably when I would stop working because I would have the baby on or after my due date, my labor started on a Sunday and gave us plenty of warning so we could tell work and make final preparations for the baby.

Now this pregnancy.  At 26 weeks I got stung by a scorpion (3 times).  Ok, that was unfortunate and not really a pregnancy problem, but still!  I ran 2-3 miles up to 15 weeks only, then could only walk.  The baby dropped at 31 weeks and then I couldn't even walk without bringing on contractions.  With Alli and a stressful job, going to the pool and swimming for exercise seemed out of the question.  I had to start working from home to keep the contractions at bay, at least until week 36.  And then we hit the magical calendar date of week 36 - safety.  The baby could come out - throw caution to the wind.  I was 2cm dilated and every indication was that the baby was coming soon.  Week 37, contractions are sporadic and not strong, dilated to 3cm, ready to pop at any time.  And then the week/this weekend since my last appointment:  pink show for 3 days straight, baby dropped so far down I was having issues sitting, cramps on both sides of my groin, and the fear that we would never make it to the hospital fast enough if my water did break.  And besides all of that, Kim's project had a big due date and he was on critical path and was working a lot.  (Ok, so can you say a lot of stress in our household?)

So this weekend was a turning point.  We went to the hospital to get checked out.  I mean, 3cm on Thursday, pink show for 3 days and groin cramps doesn't sound very good.  Kim finally packed up work and drove me down (we have at least a 40 minute drive to the hospital).  Alli wound up with an impromptu play date with Cali Pennell, who lives 2 miles from the hospital.  Everything checked out fine - contractions indicated pre-labor; baby's heartbeat was fine.  I was still 3cm dilated, 70-80% effaced, ripe to go at any time.  The hospital triage was slow and we were able to chat with the nurse quite a bit.  In the end, she said "You really need to reduce your stress.  It might be that your body wants to push this baby out but the stress is keeping that from happening."

Exhausted, both emotionally and physically, we had dinner with Angel and Cali, then went home to get ready for the week.  And in my sleepless night that I had, I finally came up with a de-stress plan:
1)  Stop working
2)  Schedule an induction  (seems like cheating, but I need a near-term date both for myself and for Kim's work schedule)

I often wonder if I would be so stressed if I didn't have 6 weeks of contractions prior to being full-term...

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