Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Multi-Tasking at It's Best

Today we had a follow-up appointment for Natalie, to make sure her she was gaining weight appropriately, and to make sure the jaundice was clearing.  I figured 1/2 hour visit, plus whatever time waiting in the waiting room - piece of cake.  So, we were in the waiting room for about 15 minutes max, then we went to the room, got weighed, took temp, etc.  Now just had to wait for the doc for the jaundice check.  Her weight gain is great - she's at 6 lbs 15 oz, so past her birth weight before the required 2 week period.

Waiting for the doctor took longer than expected.  After 30 minutes of waiting, I finally went out of the room to see if someone could watch the girls so I could go to the bathroom.  Dr.  Patel saw me and said "oh, you're still here!"  What??  They misplaced us??  Grrrr....  We have been saying for 2 years now we are going to find another pediatric doctor, but we never have.  This just added to the list of reasons to do so.  Apparently, they never marked our room for the doctor to come in, so she just kept skipping us!  Ugh.  But, she came in right away when she saw me and started looking over Natalie.  She also said I could run to the bathroom and she would watch the girls.  That was very nice.

Dr. Patel mentioned she wasn't worried about the jaundice at all because the test we took Friday came back as a 10, which is not a worrisome number.  That would have been good information to know 30 minutes ago.

So, an hour and a half after getting there, we finally were able to leave.  We went through Burger King drive through (not my favorite getting fast food, but we were all starved!)  We got home and since Natalie didn't get a good sleep for that 3 hour period, she was fussy.  Damn!  Not going to get to eat my burger cause I'm going to have to feed her first.  So I hooked her up and just couldn't stand it anymore.  So Alli, Natalie, *and* I were eating - all at the same time.  Nice, huh?  :)  When it was time to switch sides, I decided I needed to wash my hands first.  So I washed one hand while Natalie was still attached and feeding.  Cool!  Then Alli wanted more water, with ice.  Really child?  Get it yourself!  No...this is one of the outcries of being a new sister - she wants to know that she still matters to us and so doing things for her is the way she knows she still matters.  Ugh.  Once again, Natalie nursing still, I'm up getting Alli a new cup of water with ice.  I like this multi-tasking!  :)  haha

On the downside, Natalie was so exhausted from the morning, that after nursing the one side, I could not wake her up to nurse on the other.  Ugh.  Now I'm lopsided and going to be in pain in about 2 hours.  Oh well.  It won't be the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

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