Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Natalie Day 4: SICK!! Agh!!

We got worried with Natalie because she hadn't pooped since 3am Sunday morning.  And here it was Tuesday morning and still nothing.  But more on that later...

Monday night nursing brought a new characteristic out in Natalie.  She kept spitting up a lot after feedings so I started burbing her more religiously.  It seemed to help.  Tuesday morning she was pretty tired, and so I let her sleep.  I noticed she was more "snacking" than feeding, but I figured if she were that tired, I would just let her sleep through the morning and she would probably wake up more in the afternoon.  WRONG!

Late morning, we got a poop.  We were very happy about that because nobody wants a constipated newborn!  But then she started pooping like every hour.  Hmmm..... seems strange.  And then she never did quite wake up for a full nursing - she kept falling asleep after nursing for 2-3 minutes (a snack), and this kept going all day.  By evening, she was looking quite yellow and the fear of jaundice really hit (besides the fact that we thought all the pooping was due to the same bug that gave Alli the diarhea).

We brought Natalie outside for an hour, stripped down to nothing but a diaper, and soaking up the last indirect sunlight of the evening to try to help the jaundice.  Kim called the doctor and got the PA on call for the night.  We talked for a while asking lots of questions about the digest tract bug as well as jaundice.  Armed with information, we decided that an ER visit was not necessary, but we would be going to the doctor's office the next day to at least get her levels checked for jaundice.  And mommy decided that waking a sleeping baby was mandatory for the night, to make sure she was hydrated since all she was doing was snacking.

I've found waking her only takes a diaper change.  Boy, does she fuss with that, although during the day she had been more calm (probably because she wasn't really waking up).  So we nursed at 8pm, and then again around 10:30pm.  I woke up again at 2am and forced myself to wake her up and nurse.  This time, she did a full feeding.  Yay!  Both sides!!!  We were awake for about an hour.  Good job Natalie.  Then she woke me up at 5:30am for another nursing, and again took both sides.  I also noticed that changing her diaper was back to a challenge with the squirmy baby.  (Squirma-dega is Kim's nickname for her right now.  If you don't understand, watch Sesame Street with Jeff Gordon and Squirmy the Worm doing the Squirma-dega race.)  :)

While we are still sitting her next to the window for some sunlight, and still dealing with some interesting poopy diapers, we are happy to have our little Squirma-dega back.  Her eyes are open and bright today, so it looks like she has passed whatever jaundice / bug was affecting her yesterday.  Yay!!!

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