Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Perfect Child

When I was pregnant with Natalie, I was worried that baby #2 could never compete with my perfect baby #1.  Alli is beautiful, and smart, with a great sense of humor, and very kind.  I mean, how can anyone measure up to that?  No I know most moms are worried that they will love the baby more than the older child, but I'm the opposite.  I have such a good relationship with Alli, and let's face it, babies just sleep, eat, and go potty.  There's no real "relationship".  So, I was worried.

And then Natalie was born.  She's almost 2 weeks old now and what I've noticed is that she is beautiful (but beautiful in different ways than Alli), and she is funny (she squeaks and grunts and snorts and just makes us laugh all the time with her funny facial expressions).  Of course, we will have to wait to see about the rest of her personality.

But the one thing that I've learned is that there is not one formula for the perfect child - cause I have two, and they are different.  :D

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