Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Not My Morning Cup of Joe!!

I've always been pretty good at picking up on cause and effect
patterns, and now this week that I don't have help, I'm able to see
some patterns in Natalie. The most noticeable one is her spitting up.
In general, she doesn't spit up much, or, at least she doesn't as long
as I eat my normal diet. But there is one feeding where she spits up
WAY more than any other feedings, and that one is the one that occurs
a few hours after I've had my morning coffee.

So now I need to test this theory, but when! That cup of joe keeps me
awake and happy til about 2:00, and then most of the time, I can take
a nap, and that gets me thru the rest of the day. Ugh. Do I have
to?!?! I mean, what's a little exorcist spit up among family?!?! Ok,
ok. I'll start by going to 1/2 cup and then take it from there.

Man, the sacrifices!

Sent from my iPhone

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