Sunday, October 14, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conference for Alli

Alli is in the same class as last year, so we are very familiar with her teacher and do a lot of chatting at dropoff (and now pickup since we can do that with maternity leave).  Her academics are high, just like last year.  No worries about them.  We talked about how I can support her reading at home to supplement the work the teacher is doing with her on her reading.  Mrs. Gyger mentioned she only has opportunity to work with Alli 2x per week because of Alli going to the other preschool.

So, I asked her other preschool teacher, Mrs. Erste, how she was doing.  Alli is in another preschool 3 days a week in the afternoons as a peer model for kids with disabilities.  So I asked Mrs. Erste how Alli was doing as a peer model and she said she is exactly what a peer model is supposed to be.  So that's good.

The only new news was in Alli's social development.  Apparently she is finally understanding how to walk away from a bad situation (very good), and she also has played with another little boy in the afternoon preschool and helped bring him out of his shell.  Yay!  The teacher said it was great for both of them - Alli plays with this little boy and the little boy is now not shy to ask Alli to play.

On a different note, Mrs. Gyger said that Alli was adjusting to being a big sister really well - she hasn't seen her act out or do anything like that, which is really good.  She did mention that Alli announced to her class "My baby sister eats by drinking milk from my Mommy's boobies!"  The teacher was laughing and said "You are correct.  But we call that 'nursing'."  :D  That's my girl - totally infatuated with boobies!!

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