Saturday, October 13, 2012

One Week Old and First Newborn Doctor Visit

Natalie is one week old!  She sleeps a LOT, which is nice for us, but also very different since we have no interaction and are anxious to get to know the personality of our newest family member.

Her newborn office visit went well, especially considering her GI tract bug that she fought on day 4.  The doctor said we were doing a fantastic job with the breast feeding - her lips and eyes were nice and moist and there was no thrush in her throat.  Here were her stats:

Length:  20-1/2"
Weight:  6 lbs 11 oz

The only issue was the jaundice.  She was still a little yellow (probably leftover from the bug), but the doctor said it was looking ok.  Just in case, she ordered a jaundice blood test since we had to go to get blood drawn anyway for the 2nd part of the newborn screening required in Arizona.  She also asked that we come back to check the jaundice in 4 more days.

Our newborn appointment wound up taking over 2 hours with the blood draw.  Holy cow - who would have thought!  Alli was a champ through it.  In fact, she was so good that we treated her (and us) to a bowl of ice cream when we got home.  AND, since she has been such a good big sister, she got a Dora Kitchen as a gift.  (It was a hand-me-down from the Kingerys - thanks guys!)

One thing we did notice during the doctor's visit, the blood draw, and just observations around the house is that we might have a little princess on our hands.  Yes, she cries when her diaper is the least bit soiled.  She cried during the blood draw - not from the heel prick, but when the lady squeezed her foot to get the blood into the vile.  And that was more because she wanted to be able to move her legs freely instead of have them held.  Oh boy!

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